Communication students working on broadcast journalism in studio.

Title IX



Title IX prohibits sex discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal funding. Discrimination on the basis of sex can include sexual harassment or sexual violence, such as rape, sexual assault, sexual coercion, stalking and domestic/intimate 伴侣暴力. While it is often thought of as a law that applies only to athletics programs, Title IX is much broader than Athletics and applies to all programs at the university. 十大彩票网投平台 prohibits sex 或者基于性别的骚扰, 歧视或报复. 

The Title IX Office is dedicated to supporting the university's commitment to creating an environment where students, faculty, staff 游客是免费的 discrimination, 性骚扰和性暴力. 我们在以下方面提供领导和支持 Title IX regulations and the implementation of prevention programming that addresses 性别歧视和性暴力. 第九条办公室受理所有指控 严重的性行为不端. We will promptly respond and thoroughly investigate and resolve all complaints of sexual misconduct in accordance with the university's 不当性行为政策. We are committed to supporting all members of the university community by providing fair and equitable services and resources.  




Upcoming Events

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Week of Welcome! 



Location: Tent near the Athletic Annex building  
Time: 12pm - 2pm 

Ice cream and popsicles are the perfect way to beat the heat and wrap up the first week of classes. Make sure to stop by the Athletics Annex from 12pm-2pm for a frozen 对待和了解更多十大彩票网投平台第九条!




欢迎回来,同学们! 请加入第九章办公室 August 28th at 5:30pm in the 学生中心露台 为了一个互动游戏之夜. This event will provide a platform for discussing sexual discrimination, harassment, and violence. 而不是讲座,你将有 the chance to participate in games and activities that help you understand your rights 在一个有趣的环境中选择. This proactive response to societal awareness aims 有效地教育你们. With games, challenges, and giveaways, the Title IX Game Night will promote camaraderie and encourage students to become advocates for change in creating safer and more equitable communities. 我们希望在那里见到你!

Make sure to sign up through South Serves for volunteer hours!



A person may also file a complaint of sexual misconduct with the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights regarding an alleged violation of Title IX by visiting /十大彩票网投平台/办公室/ / ocr / complaintintro列表.html 或者拨打1-800-421-3481.